I normally try to get the blog updated every few days. This has been difficult lately as Ali's computer is in getting fixed...again...did you know Katie now weighs enough to crack the entire keyboard if she stands on a computer?...sigh...So Ali has been using my computer...a lot...thank goodness Bill had the smart idea to get the extra warranty on the kids laptops...we've used it!!
I'm managing to snag a few moments when I can convince him it's absolutely necessary for me to check my emails (and
facebook if I can get away with it!). So I will have to get the pictures up later but for now I can update you on our week. Saturday we all went to Huntington Beach...we have an annual pass so we can laze around for the whole day on the uncrowded beach...the kids are always happy to play in the sand and water and Bill dug these huge holes with the kids that had everyone stopping and admiring them. They were deep enough that you couldn't see them when they were inside them! Sunday found us at Camping World...one of our favorite stores of course...I really needed some outdoor lights so we could stay outside longer in the evenings...it gets dark too early for me.
Monday the kids planted a garden. We bought a bunch of pots and soil and the kids all picked out plants and seeds to grow. The big pots have flowers to decorate our yard and the smaller ones have carrot seeds and bean seeds. Katie picked out a tomato plant and they all helped plant some herbs to make a little herb garden. Gardening is one thing I think we all miss about having a permanent home and yard...this should help!
The kids have also been busy making
Halloween decorations. This week we put up a giant spider web, some orange lights, ghosts and lots of spiders! More spookiness to come! We will visit the pumpkin patch this weekend so we should have some great pumpkins to add.
Later in the week I went out with the moms from the local homeschooling group. It was nice to meet new people and get the inside scoop for activities the kids can participate in the area. In the next few weeks we will be trying out some new groups and activities and see how it goes. The kids never complain about trying new things that's for sure! On Friday we went to the beach with some new friends. The kids really enjoyed hanging out together and we've already made plans to get together again to do the San Diego Zoo. The beautiful sunshine and sound of the ocean made up for the parking ticket I got....hmmm...something about me and California I guess...hope this is it for the traffic/parking tickets!! Another weekend approaching...at least Bill be driving for the weekend so I'm safe for a couple days!!