Monday, January 12, 2009

I can't believe that we have been here for over two months already, the time is really flying by. We only have three weeks left in California. So our focus for the rest of our time here is going to be beach, beach, and more beach. After all, once we hit Arizona we won't be able to get near the ocean again for awhile! This weekend we spent the entire time at Huntington Beach. It's a huge beach, both long and wide, and is popular with surfers. Huntington Beach is actually called Surf City! While we were there we watched a surfing competition. It was fun to see some of the really young kids do their thing! Ali tried out the skim stand on the board as it skims along the surface. It's harder than you'd think! The kids all had fun digging holes bigger than themselves, looking at the starfish, Ali collected hermit crabs and we saw more dolphins! Another great day at the beach!


Michelle said...

Katie has gotten so big, and she looks like she is enjoying the beach life in these pics.

laurie l. goodman said...

Great pics... really shows their personalities and how happy they are at the beach!