Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Growing up...

The other night something happened that had me thinking about our journey so far. As I was headed to bed I was giving the kids a kiss good night...I'm usually in bed before them these days...Ali walked over to me to say good night. I looked up at him to give him a good night kiss...that's right...I looked UP...my son is taller than me. Not just a little...noticeably taller. The rest your head on his chest type of taller. How did this happen before my very eyes? Where did my baby go? I lay in bed thinking about my kids growing up so fast. They are in fact becoming teenagers on this trip. And I realize that this journey has provided me with the opportunity to enjoy this time in their lives. We get to spend so much time together and this has just made our bonds stronger. We enjoy being together...but this takes it to a whole new level. How did I get so lucky to be able to spend everyday with three amazing kids who make me smile and laugh, who challenge me to do new things, never judge me and always love me? So everyday I am choosing to celebrate them and the wonderful teenagers they are becoming! And I will enjoy being called "shortie" by my little boy....


l said...

what a nice post..i feel the same way, so grateful to be able to spend all this time with my children, and that they want be with us (so many around here want nothing to do with their own parents, sad).
Adrienne is almost as tall as me, won't be long until she passes me :)

angel love said...

HA HA! He calls you "shorty", that's so funny!

Life is good, ain't it :-)

Michelle said...

I too have noticed big changes in Alexander's photos while you've been gone. It truly is amazing watching them change from little kids to teenagers. On one hand you just wish they were little again, on the other hand this new phase of life is fascinating in itself.

Yes, I know I don't have kids, but I witnessed it with Cassidy who wil lbe 14 very soon. Imagine that!