Friday, January 1, 2010

Our Christmas

It's been busy, busy,busy for the holidays here! Now that the crowd has cleared in the park we finally have good internet's been crazy trying to upload pictures so I just waited it out. Weather was cool but sunny this year so we spent lots of time outside. It was great to have Dad and Cindy here...makes it seem more like Christmas when there is some family around! The kids were able to spend lots of time with them and Cindy even gave Bill and I some time to have a couple dates! Here's a few photos of our holidays and how we spent them...thanks Cindy for giving me some of these great pictures!

Katie loves her new toys...

Writing a letter for Santa with cookies and carrots for the reindeer...
Maddy's homemade wrapping paper....that's a lot of chocolate wrappers!

Fishing and climbing...

Sharing meals with family...

Loved the lights at the Boat Parade this year...

Katie loved to do the Christmas baking!

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