Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Quick Review

This past week has been a little wild here. As many of you already know we had some crazy weather pass through here. On one day, in the course of one hour it went from storm warning to severe storm warning to possible tornado warning...yikes! One minute the news was warning people in mobile homes to seek alternative shelter...we put on our coats to leave...the next minute they are saying it's too late and to stay where you are and seek shelter in the interior of your home, away from windows, etc...If you've seen our motorhome you know that doesn't leave us with many options! For the next fifteen minutes we hunkered down, watching debris fly past the window. The tornado touched down about fifteen minutes from our place. Most of the week this area experienced high winds, heavy rain, flooding and mudslides. We were pretty lucky and didn't suffer any real consequences. Unfortunately we still ended up at the hospital this week. Madison and Ali both saw the doctor. Maddy is fine, required some antibiotics but is feeling great now. Ali has had two ingrown toenails for awhile and has been struggling with them. The antibiotics got rid of the infection but the ingrown nail was still there, and it ended up infected again an extremely painful for him. So this past week they had to remove the entire toenail. He watched the doctor do it and thought the whole thing was pretty cool! Unfortunately the novelty has worn off and trying to keep a thirteen year old boy tied down for the required ten days while it heals..not so much fun! So far this week....the sun is back!!! Yeah! Looking forward to getting outside and enjoying some normal weather!!

1 comment:

l said...

Oh my goodness...what an eventful time for you..hope the medical stuff settles down soon and the good weather comes back.