Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Every once in a while I add my two cents worth between work, flying, and family time. It's official....our land locked home is sold. July 31 was the closing date and we managed to reach it...barely! Without a doubt we will pay movers next time to ship our remaining belongings (not much left since the purge before our RV journey and the purging leading up to the move) which still filled a 26ft truck but was stackable into a 12x12 office. We went the free office storage root to truly feel liberated to be virtually debt free! I mentioned 'land locked' earlier in that there is no longer a 'house' in the background...its gone (an odd but good feeling)...and now without a doubt our home and house is and remains 500 sq ft of mobility. It is an interesting feeling to know that will our tank full ($350 bucks of diesel) we can range in any direction for up to 1100 KM and have a new backyard...no trailing expenses of the house...no more strings attached... except for family and friends.

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