This week we celebrated one year on the road. I have to admit it has gone by very quickly. When I look back at all the places we've been and the people we've met I have no regrets about choosing to do this. It has been such an adventure! And it appears we've come full year ago we began this journey in California and a year later we are in California again. We've been here six weeks now and the kids are already asking where we are going after California. Interesting that they don't ask if we are going "home" anymore. What we've all come to realize during this year is that "home" really is wherever we are...all of us together. We've come to like that every couple months our back yard changes, and we meet new neighbours, new friends. That certainly doesn't mean that we all don't crave a little more indoor space...the kids would love a bigger room, I'd love a bath tub...but these things don't really compare to what we are experiencing together. How long will we continue? That seems to be the question everyone is asking us these days. And we have no answer. I can't imagine living in a house right now and not being able to just pack up and go whenever we want. This lifestyle suits us still...we are enjoying our freedom and not ready to give that up. Maybe one day...
Enjoy this wonderful opportunity while you can and make the most of every day.
It's great that you're able to give this to your children. I am sure this will always be one of their favorite times. What's even greater is that both you and your husband are with them! How awesome is that?!
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