Monday, November 23, 2009

Those of you who really know Ali will not be surprised to hear that he took his lizard catching to a whole new level while we were in the Grand Cayman. He happily disappeared for hours looking and catching all types of geckos, lizards and iguanas. The hotel staff were quite happy to have him around, encouraging him to catch everything he found and pointing him in the direction of more. As I was lounging on the beach one afternoon I heard Ali calling me from could hear the happiness in his voice! This was what he brought to me. Sigh. I am not particularly fond of reptiles, but have always encouraged Ali's passion for them. It was so great to watch him crawl through bushes and up trees to get a glimpse of something he spotted, and to see the true joy he experienced doing it. Thankfully the hotel staff also always seemed to be around to clean his scrapes, cuts and bites he endured during this week!


Learning With Passion said...

Very Cool!!!

Michelle said...

Pretty cool. Lovely picture, but you'd never catch me holding something like that.

angel love said...

this picture is so *Ali* :)