Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mom has first row seat...

Well it is the first week having been on the road. Mom had the best seat in the house...on the dashboard ledge in the front window. I thought of the movie Titantic when Leonardo diCaprio was on the front of the ship hanging over saying he was "King of the World". Well Mom certainly was "owning the road". While some transport trucks cruising by us had rebel flags on the grill, bulldogs, and other symbols of toughness...we had a finely polished oak box, glowing brightly in the window as the sun rays beamed down. Look out truckers...Mom's coming to a state near you!! Knowing how much Mom wanted to tour Canada and the US RV'ing, I am glad we can share this experience with her in spirit. - WJP

1 comment:

laurie l. goodman said...

I'm sure your mom would be very proud and thankful...what a way to keep her spirit alive in you and your family! Absolutely touching!