Friday, November 7, 2008

Week One

Day are on a major sugar high following last nights Halloween...makes for an easy drive to our first overnight in Ohio. We managed to arrive in the evening and park, set up and play. Everyone is bursting with energy despite our late arrival!

Day Two...encouraging the kids to eat more Halloween candy since it worked to our advantage the first day. We drove from Ohio to Tennessee with some noticeable weather changes! Kids loved seeing the Grand Ole Opry just down the road from our campground. Lots of talk about who we might run into!!

Day Three...sugar high and novelty of travelling in the motor home is wearing off for the kids...We drove from Tennessee to Oklahoma and arrived in the dark...again...would be nice if we could see our campground before the morning but doesn't seem to be happening... keeping entertained with games and music...pretty sure I know all the words to the High School Musical Three CD by now...

Day Four...drove from Oklahoma to New Mexico...missing Tim Horton's terribly...have found out that it is just as noisy hearing the kids argue in a big motor home as it is in the car...the long drives are beginning to take it's toll...almost ran out of fuel in New Mexico... the wind is creating some undesirable driving conditions, but somehow Bill is managing to make it look easy! Still gettin our kicks on route 66!!

Day decide they would rather go home than face another day driving in the motor we switched it up a bit and sent Ali with Lucas and Matt and brought Josh with us...seemed to be just what was needed as we had a pleasant drive from New Mexico to Arizona. Found some great red rocks which the kids are sure are from the Canyon some how! We spent the night about an hour from the Grand Canyon...and froze our tails off!

Day Six..everyone is excited to hit the road this morning. We were able to make it to San Diego before 4pm and have some daylight hours to settle in. It was a great drive through the desert and mountains...we are finally here!!


Caroline said...

Glad to hear you made it. Carol and I were wondering how things were going. Enjoy!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you had an interesting week. I can't wait to hear more.

Carol ッ said...

Can't wait to see pics!!! Glad things are going well.