Living Life Without Limits
After a year and half traveling in our RV, we decided to start a new adventure by settling our roots in an unfamiliar surrounding - a quaint 34 acre farm. We look forward to sharing the coming weeks, months, and years as we enjoy rural life and explore what farm life is all about!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekly Update
Every Thursday Maddy attends an enrichment program. While she is off I usually take some time to bake and cook with Katie and Ali. This week Katie helped make lemon poppy seed loaf and Ali made a chick pea salad. I wish I had taken'll have to trust me...they were delicious! Friday ended up being a home day...Maddy was not feeling great and no one really felt like going out so we hung out watching tv, playing games and knitting. And thanks to our awesome new homeschooling friends, we had company for the afternoon to just sit and chat! Saturday? errands..errands...and more errands. But Sunday brought us a lovely visit with Cindy and Dad, and waaayyy too much coffee! The kids helped Bill and Jeff clean up the "waterfront" for winter and it totally looks smashing! In the afternoon Cindy and I took Ali, Maddy, Josh and Matt to donkey sanctuary again for their World Animal Day celebration. We totally froze our butts off! And that meant more hot coffee from Timmies on the way home! Now...I can't sleep from too much caffeine and I need to get ready for another busy week.
Friday, October 1, 2010
A New Approach
Monday, September 6, 2010
August: Outdoors at the farm
Saturday, September 4, 2010
August 26th...WHAT??...Already??
The bunnies aren't the only things growing around here. You should see out little Katie...she has definitely gotten taller. More importantly, she is doing some new things with such ease riding her bike and scooter with the big kids, drawing some amazing pictures, singing the latest hits, playing board games with us, and cooking with me in the kitchen. She is even creating her own recipes that are in her words "seriously good".
Through out the last month we've enjoyed dinners and potlucks with family and friends, sitting on the deck watching the sunset over the water, visiting local farms and meeting new people, farmers markets, preparing the barn, painting, late night movies, visits from grandma and grandpa and cousin meaghan, library days, play dough marathons, all night knitfests, tenting in the yard, sleepovers, baking and amidst it all a whole lot of relaxing! With the end of summer quickly approaching we are focusing on spending time visiting with friends and family before we start hibernating...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What have we been up too???

It seems a lot of our time these days has been spent trying to find a place to live. It's definitely challenging. We are trying to live as normal as possible, but let's face it...not so normal when you're living in a hotel! We want to find a house but we are definitely not willing to settle for anything less than what we really want this time around. Sooo...funny enough the motorhome is almost finished getting the work done on it so we will picking it up and moving back in. We are all soo excited about it! The kids keep asking when we can get back in it. Right now we are looking for a campground...only a few open this early in the season. Hopefully in the next couple weeks we will be out of the hotel and things can really get back to normal! The kids can get outside and run around more parking lot! And we can cook! Imagine that! In the meanwhile the house hunt continues and we have been out as much as possible hanging with friends! Good weather for exploring the outdoors!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Maddy!

Monday, March 22, 2010
I really want to take a minute to thank Leslie from and also for choosing me for a beautiful blogger award. I started this blog as way for our family and friends to keep up with where we were and what we were up to, but it has become so much more now. I'm happy that others are able to take something from it as well!
The requirements for accepting this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Pass this award along to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic!
3. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
4. Share seven (7) things about yourself
Seven things about me:
1) I knit everyday...really!
2) I don't like chocolate
3) My favorite movie is still The Big Chill
4) I'm happiest when I'm with my family
5) I can't miss an episode of Grey's Anatomy
6) I love music but don't like to dance
7) I'm a night owl